Tuesday, October 13, 2009


This past Sunday one of the young boys in my church was baptised and announced he was ready to give his life to the Lord. Watching this brought back a flood of memories from my own baptismal.

It was a big ceremony and several of us from young (I believe the youngest was 7) to old took the path of Christ that day. My sister and myself included. I was terrified that I would look stupid in front of the congregation. Those pre-teen years are so funny with things like that. I expected to feel different. Like the weight of the world was lifted and I could jump for the first time! Unfortunately I just felt wet and soggy. I was 11 and wanted that special thing that we all look for so hard only to find it in our own hearts!

It has been 13 years since then and a whole lot has happened! Just recently I feel as though I have really taken that baptism seriously. I think I should have waited but then I wonder if it would have ever caught me if I had (kind of like taking a year off from school only to realize that I'm 24, a wife and a Mom, oops!). Maybe I'm not thinking about it right, maybe it's just the symbol, the path has to already be set and this is just letting everyone know your choice.

1 Peter 3:21-22
21 and this water symbolizes baptism that now saves you also–not the removal of dirt from the body but the pledge
of a good conscience toward God. It saves you by the resurrection of Jesus Christ,
22 who has gone into heaven and is at God's right hand–with angels, authorities and powers in submission to him.

This past year has really changed my perspective. I've really and truly found God in my life. I've opened myself to him and hope to learn more everyday. 13 years is a long time for something to "kick" in. I've gotten married, it was a good christian wedding, but I didn't really get it. Last year I had our first son. His birth was a wonderful thing. I have spent countless hours since trying to figure out how to be the best mother possible. This has led me to God. I cannot be a good mother (or wife, daughter, etc.) with out Him. I can't love my son until I love Jesus. Wow. How simple!

Back to Sunday afternoon...
I wondered about this boy, I don't really know him other than from seeing him in church. He seems quite. I couldn't really know. All I know is that he has openly and willingly given his life to Christ. He has been forgiven and cleansed. Now all he has to do is open the door to God. That knocking in the background shouldn't be ignored! I hope he doesn't wait as long as I did.

I know this has been random...I'll try better to stay on task.




Jenilee said...

what a beautiful post. visiting from lynnette's. i loved your list too. :) my girls have gotten very interested in vaccuuming as well. it sure takes a lot longer when they "help"! :)


Thanks for checking me out! Maybe they won't loose the interest before they are big enough to do chores on their own!